How To Choose a Healing Crystal Bracelet

There are many ways to choose a healing crystal bracelet for yourself or someone else. I’ll explain the easiest ways starting with crystal meaning by color.

My first healing crystal bracelet is one I treasure. My husband and I were walking around town and ended up in a crystal store. This store not only had a variety of gorgeous healing crystals, they had crystal beads to make crystal bracelets and necklaces.

The owner is this larger than life man who had a long gray beard and wore a necklace of large clear quartz crystal points around his neck. He adorned himself with crystals and was quite the character. We talked to him a bit and asked him about making a bracelet and he showed us what to do.

I was being pulled to the dark, rich blue of lapis lazuli. Lapis has flecks of pyrite in it and reminded me of the night sky. My husband made me a bracelet and added in a few herkimer diamonds. I made him one of matted onyx.

I looked up the meaning of lapis lazuli when I got home and was blown away by the synchronicity of the meaning of the crystal and what I was struggling with at the time. I was struggling with communicating and felt stifled in my creative endeavors.

I wore my healing crystal bracelet everyday and said my daily affirmation while wearing the bracelet. Soon I felt more clear on what I should do next and how to communicate that in my work.

There are many ways to choose a healing crystal bracelet for yourself or someone else. I’ll explain the easiest ways in this post.

Humans and Healing Crystals

There are many ways to choose a healing crystal bracelet for yourself or someone else. I’ll explain the easiest ways starting with crystal meaning by color.

Crystals are ancient. They were formed in air pockets in the Earth’s crust. They’re shape, color and opacity was created by the environment of those air pockets. We humans treasure these sparkly, shiny beauties obsessively. They’ve been with us throughout our history.

Humans have been making beads and wearing them from the beginning of our time.  The Ancient Egyptians commonly wore lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald and quartz for protection and health. Amulets made of baltic amber have been discovered as old as 30,000 years. 

Ancient Greeks used them too and many of the names of gemstones and crystals come from Greek words. Amethyst was used to prevent drunkenness and Greek sailors wore Aquamarine crystals to keep them safe at sea. Jade was used widely in Ancient China and is still prized today.

The New Age movement of the 1980’s brought crystals back into focus as a healing tool. It’s become mainstream and widely accepted that crystals can help in healing.

How do healing crystal bracelets work? 

There are many ways to choose a healing crystal bracelet for yourself or someone else. I’ll explain the easiest ways starting with crystal meaning by color.

Holding crystals, being near them or wearing them cause them to interact with your body’s energy field, aura and/or chakras. 

Everything is made up of energy. Me, you, the desk I’m sitting at, the coffee I drank this morning, my dog, etc. is made of energy.

Quantum theory states that when you examine the tiniest levels of matter, it’s all vibrating strands of energy surrounded by empty space. Energetic fields hold the vibrating strands into the shapes that make up the matter we see and experience as a solid material, like your desk or your hand. 

Physically we are energy, our bodily functions, our thoughts and our emotions are all made up of energy. We feel when someone has “good vibes” we enjoy being around that person and in turn their good vibes can affect our mood. 

When someone gives us a “bad vibe”, we want to avoid them and get away from that person as soon as possible, right? Or when someone you’re around is in a bad mood, it can affect your own energy and make you feel bad too. 

We are energy and other peoples’ energy affects us all the time, everyday. Some are more sensitive to it than others.

Crystals vibrate at different energetic frequencies depending on their shape, color and what they’re made of. If we wear the crystals or place them near us or on our bodies they’re energy can have an impact on our energy field.

How To Choose a healing crystal bracelet

Healing crystal jewelry by color

The colors of crystals and their opacity affect their vibration. Color is a result of how your eyes perceive light, which is a vibrational frequency.

Isaac Newton described the spectrum of light that’s visible as an electromagnetic frequency. Color like everything else is another manifestation of energy.

Part of the crystal’s vibrational energy comes from its color, which is associated with our chakras.

There are 7 chakras that run through your body starting from the root chakra at the base of your spine all the way up to your crown chakra above the top of your head. Each chakra is an energy center in your body and is associated with a color.

You can choose a crystal based only on its color to use as a healing crystal for that part of your body.

Instead of trying to remember what every crystal does, you can learn about color to start. This helps simplify choosing healing crystals.

Black Crystals Meaning

There are many ways to choose a healing crystal bracelet for yourself or someone else. I’ll explain the easiest ways starting with crystal meaning by color.
Prosperity Crystal Bracelet Set

Black crystals are associated with the root chakra. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with trust, grounding, safety and security. Black crystals are mostly known for their protective properties.

Black crystals are very grounding. If you feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed, grounding can help calm you and bring you back to the present moment.

Black crystals can protect you from unwanted and negative energies by absorbing the bad energy or transmuting it. This is why some black crystals will break after awhile. They’ve absorbed all they can and can break as a result. 

Any black crystal or gemstone will ground and protect you. Here are some common ones. 

  • Black tourmaline
  • Onyx
  • Obsidian
  • Apache tears
  • Hematite
  • Shungite
  • Smoky quartz
  • And many more not listed here

Red Crystals Meaning

Red is also associated with the root chakra, but is energizing and will ignite your passion as well as being grounding and protective. 

If you want more passion in the bedroom, place a small red crystal near your bed. Since Red is also energizing, too big of a crystal could give you restless sleep.

I like to wear carnelian or garnet crystal bracelets while I work to fuel my passion and energize me.

Here are some common red crystals.

Brown Crystals Meaning

There are many ways to choose a healing crystal bracelet for yourself or someone else. I’ll explain the easiest ways starting with crystal meaning by color.

Brown is associated with the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is your physical center and is located below your belly button. It’s associated with sexuality and creativity.

Physically it affects the lower back, sex organs, hips, pelvis and all the organs in the lower abdomen.

Brown crystals promote harmony and help you connect to nature. They can give you strength and increase your vitality.

Brown crystals include:

  • Dark amber
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Smoky Citrine
  • Jasper
  • Petrified wood
  • Tigers eye

Orange Crystals Meaning

Orange crystals are also associated with the sacral chakra. These crystals are great for creativity and inspiring new ideas. I have an orange calcite bracelet and a tumbled crystal on my desk when I’m writing posts like this. 

Orange crystals include:

  • Amber
  • Carnelian
  • Fire opal
  • Orange calcite
  • Sunstone

Yellow Crystals Meaning

Yellow is associated with the third chakra called the Solar Plexus which is your self-identity, self esteem and courage. Think of the strength and courage of a lion and its yellow mane. It also represents money and wealth.

Yellow crystals include:

  • Light amber
  • Citrine
  • Golden selenite
  • Pyrite
  • Sunstone
  • Topaz
  • Yellow tigers eye

Green Crystals Meaning

Green crystal meaning, moss agate.

Green crystals represent the Heart Chakra and unconditional love and compassion. Green also promotes health and wealth. There are many green crystals to choose from. 

Green crystals include:

  • Amazonite
  • Aventurine
  • Jade
  • Emerald
  • Flourite
  • Malachite
  • Moss agate
  • peridot

Pink Crystals Meaning

There are many ways to choose a healing crystal bracelet for yourself or someone else. I’ll explain the easiest ways starting with crystal meaning by color.

Pink is also associated with the heart chakra, love, relationships, forgiveness and commitment. It can also help with grief.

I carry a small heart rose quartz crystal with me when I’m feeling sad. It helps me release the grief and receive the love and compassion I need from others when I’m going through a tough time. 

Pink crystals include:

Blue Crystals Meaning

Blue crystals are associated with the throat chakra, communication and creativity. It’s also very calming.

Like I mentioned earlier, I wear my lapis lazuli bracelet when I need to speak clearly and effectively in my work.

There are many blue crystals to choose from, some include:

Purple Crystals Meaning

Purple, indigo and violet crystals are associated with the third eye chakra located in the center of your forehead. They will enhance your intuition and critical thinking. They can connect you to your higher self and help in healing work.

Place Amethyst by your bed to help you sleep. Or use an amethyst mala bracelet for meditation.

Purple crystals include:

  • Amethyst
  • Charoite
  • Labradorite
  • Fluorite
  • Lepidolite

White & Clear Crystals Meaning

White or clear crystals are associated with the crown chakra which is located just above the top of your head. These crystals have high vibrations and can be used to enhance the properties of other crystals and to cleanse them.

I use clear quartz when I need clarity and want to strengthen the properties of other crystals I’m wearing. White and clear crystals are spiritual and can connect you to the divine. 

White and clear crystals include

  • Clear quartz
  • Diamond
  • Herkimer diamond
  • Howlite
  • Moonstone
  • Selenite
  • Opal

Multi-colored Crystals Meaning

There are many ways to choose a healing crystal bracelet for yourself or someone else. I’ll explain the easiest ways starting with crystal meaning by color.

There are many crystals that have multiple colors in them. They are good for chakra balancing and cleansing. The properties of these crystals will vary depending on what they’re made of and their colors. Some colors combined can be very effective. 

Some multi-colored crystals are

  • Fluorite
  • Labradorite
  • Dalmation Jasper
  • Chevron Amethyst
  • Snowflake Obsidian
  • Rainbow Moonstone

Choose a healing crystal bracelet by your intuition

Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s your instinct, a gut feeling, a pull or a feeling of being drawn or attracted to something.

I chose the lapis lazuli crystal because I felt drawn to the color and its little flecks of gold and it ended up being exactly what I needed. The feeling I trusted was my intuition.

When I first started my healing crystal journey I would read up on what every crystal meant that I came across. The problem with that was that I would forget what it meant or be overwhelmed by the information.

A friend of mine suggested that I choose by my first impulse or my intuition. I found this to be easier for me and more fun. I swear every time I’m drawn to a crystal, I look up its properties and it’s exactly what I needed.

Slowly i’ve learned about crystals this way and I highly recommend this out for yourself too.

These are just two basic and easy ways to choose a healing crystal bracelet for yourself or a friend. There are other ways to choose too, but I find choosing by color or by intuition are my favorite ways when you’re just starting to learn about crystals.

Learn more about chakra bracelets and their meaning here.

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