The Complete Guide To Shungite

the complete guide to shungite

Shungite is a must have in our modern world. As a stone of detoxification, it cleanses the energy of your body, neutralizes electromagnetic fields, environmental pollutants, toxic emotions and provides psychic protection. If you feel tired, foggy, and drained, the energy from this stone will cleanse you. 

Here is your complete guide to shungite, how to use it and all its benefits. Use the table below to skip to a section you’re interested in.

What is shungite?

Shungite stone is a mineral mostly made of carbon and looks much like coal. It’s black to charcoal gray and can have a silvery sheen to it. Shungite mostly comes from the Karelia region of Russia, but is also mined in Austria, India, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and kazakhstan. 

Shungite was used by ancient humans for various diseases, such as allergies, skin disease, hair loss and many others. Peter The Great experienced the healing properties of mineral waters with shungite and established a spa in Karelia in the 18th century. He used shungite to purify the water his soldiers drank too.

Shungite Crystal Meaning

What is it good for?

 “shungite serves as a master cleanse for your mind, body and spirit.”

“Crystals 365, Crystals For Everyday Life And Your Guide To Health, Wealth, And Balance”, by Heather Askinosie

When you’re exhausted, foggy headed and in need of a detox, it will cleanse you.

  • It’s anti-inflammatory 
  • Eases skin conditions 
  • Has antibacterial properties
  • Is an antioxidant
  • Purifies water
  • Cleanses the energy of your body
  • Neutralizes EMFs so they don’t harm you
  • Provides psychic protection

Healing Properties

In 1996 research on Shungite was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of fullerenes in the mineral.  Fullerenes are found in the carbon structure of the stone and act as powerful antioxidants. 

Long before this research came out, it was used to purify water and alleviate skin issues and other diseases when used with water. 

A study done on mice exposed to UVB light that resulted in skin damage, was healed after using a topical application of shungite.

Ma. Easter Joy Sajo, Cheol-Su Kim, Soo-Ki Kim, Kwang Yong Shim, Tae-Young Kang, Kyu-Jae Lee, “Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Shungite against Ultraviolet B Irradiation-Induced Skin Damage in Hairless Mice”, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, vol. 2017, Article ID 7340143, 11 pages, 2017.

Shungite can be used to purify water, for skin issues and other diseases, but what can it do metaphysically?

Metaphysical Properties

It will cleanse your energetic body/ aura and neutralize harmful exposure to EMF, WIFI and other dirty energy that comes from your everyday appliances and computers.

My first impression upon holding a piece of Shungite was of a wave of cleansing vibration washing through my whole body. This stone clears the energies of the entire body and opens one to receive spiritual light.

Robert Simmons, co-author of “The Book Of Stones, Who They Are And What They Teach”
  • It will encase you in a protective bubble that will neutralize electromagnetic fields, cleanse your energetic body and offer psychic protection. 
  • It will make anyone near it very uncomfortable to lie, because it dispels negativity and disharmony.
  • Aids in emotional detox, releasing stress, anxiety, anger and other negative emotions, making you feel lighter and more care free.
  • It’s used as a digital detox, cleansing your aura of the accumulated dirty energy it picks up from EMFs, pollutants and other toxins that we are in contact with daily.


Shungite affects all seven chakras. Chakras are energy centers that run through your body starting from the root chakra at the base of your spine all the way to the top of your head. 

The physical body is made up of your skin, bones, organs, fluids, thoughts and beliefs while your etheric body is made of your energy, spirituality, emotions and your connection to the higher realms.

Each chakra is associated with specific energies, body parts and emotional, mental and spiritual issues. 

If you’re dealing with health issues in your physical body chances are the related chakra is imbalanced. 

Shungite clears the energies of the entire body and can be used on any of the seven chakras to heal and balance the body. 

Place shungite on the area of the body that needs healing and it can help speed up recovery.

How To Use Shungite

Noble vs. Classic

Noble aka Elite shungite is black with a silvery surface and is the highest quality and rarest you can get. It’s 90% – 98% carbon and has the most fullerenes, highest energetic properties and can remove the most impurities from water. 

Regular or classic has less carbon, but is still effective in purifying water and protecting you from dirty energy. It’s just that elite is slightly better. 

elite shungite
Elite Shungite. Notice the silvery sheen.

For Your Phone

Studies have shown that mobile phones emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and this exposure may affect brain physiology and lead to various health issues including brain tumors, damage to DNA and the human bio-electromagnetic field (BEM).

You can reduce exposure to harmful cell phone EMFs by placing a shungite sticker on the back of your phone. 

Keep a shungite stone, pyramid, sphere or tower on your desk to reduce exposure.

Shungite Jewelry

Since shungite is amazing at neutralizing and cleansing your body of toxic energy, wearing it is a no-brainer in our modern world. 

We’re being bombarded by all sorts of dirty electromagnetic fields all day, even in our own home. You can’t avoid it. The wifi, cell phone radiation and everything else is affecting our energy field. 

Wearing shungite will protect you from the side effects of EMFs. It will cleanse your aura and rid you of toxic emotions. 

I like to wear a shungite bracelet on my right wrist to protect my energy field, especially when I’m out of the house running errands, out with friends and especially while traveling. 

I highly recommend wearing a shungite pendant or necklace for more protection. You can also wear a shungite ring if you like wearing rings. 

shungite bracelet

Tumbled and Carved

Shungite comes in masses that look like rocks, until it’s cut and tumbled into jewelry and various shapes. Each shape has its own unique properties, I’ll go over in this section. 


Raw shungite looks like a rock. It can be used to purify water and placed around your home to neutralize EMFs. 


Shungite can be carved into a point which is used to gather and direct energy into a space. These are commonly used in crystal grids, because the wide point gathers energy while the narrow point directs it. Grids are crystals grouped into sacred geometry and often used in manifestation.


Wands are carved cylindrical shapes with a point and a flat or rounded end. They’re used in meditation practice to direct energy to chakras. They’re used in reiki to direct energy and other energy healing. 


Stones carved into a rounded shape are good for diffusing energy and harmonizing and balancing a space. 

Having a shungite sphere would be a very beneficial use in the home or at work to neutralize EMFs. 


This shape will gather and direct energy. This, like the sphere, is good for a space, like your office or living room where people gather, because it can energize you and clear dirty energy.

Shungite and Water

Since it’s mostly made of carbon and contains fullerenes, shungite is effective at removing impurities from water. Peter the Great established a spa in Karelia, Russia after experiencing the healing benefits of bathing in shungite water. 

His soldiers drank water purified with shungite and many people swear by and do it today. 

Stefan Burns did an experiment to see how well it purifies water.

When placed in water

  • It slightly changed the pH of water to neutral.
  • Removed impurities and chemicals from water.
  • Removed the odor and taste of chlorine in tap water.
  • Tasted like reverse osmosis water.
  • Improved the energetic properties of the water.

To use it in water, make sure you use Elite shungite that is made of at least 90% carbon. Clean off any dust or residue using a toothbrush. 

Place in the bottom of a jar of water, pitcher, etc. and let sit for at least 8 hours or overnight to experience the benefits. 

Since it’s very effective in water, place it under running water when you fill up your bathtub. 

Shungite used in water

How To Care For Shungite

Caring for shungite is easy, but it’s a relatively soft stone, so there are a few things I would avoid doing to keep it in top shape. 

  • For jewelry, when you’re not wearing it, place it on a selenite crystal plate to cleanse it’s energy or in a jewelry bag or box out of direct sunlight.
  • To clean, use a microfiber cloth and gently rub it. 
  • Since it’s a soft mineral, it’s normal for some residue to come off when cleaning or when wearing it. 
  • Be careful when wearing it, because it can scratch easily. 
  • If you’re going to use it to cleanse water, gently brush raw shungite with a toothbrush to remove any deposits or discoloration.

Summary of Shungite Benefits

  • Shungite will encase you in a protective bubble that will neutralize electromagnetic fields, cleanse your energetic body and offer psychic protection. 
  • It will make anyone near it very uncomfortable to lie, because it dispels negativity and disharmony.
  • Aids in emotional detox, releasing stress, anxiety, anger and other negative emotions, making you feel lighter and more care free.
  • Shungite is anti-inflammatory 
  • Eases skin conditions 
  • Has antibacterial properties
  • Is an antioxidant
  • Purifies water
  • Cleanses the energy of your body

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