How To Program Your Healing Crystal Jewelry

Here's how to program your healing crystal jewelry for all sorts of desires such as wealth, love, career, protection, stress and more.

My first piece of healing crystal jewelry was a beaded rose quartz elastic bracelet I got in Sedona. I was on a girls trip with two of my lifelong friends during the hot Summer. Sedona is a magical place and if you love crystals you’ll love browsing the endless crystal stores. 

I bought my rose quartz bracelet to help mend a broken heart and assist in learning to love myself again. I cleansed the bracelet with palo santo smoke and set an intention for it and wore it every day for several months. 

The crystal bracelet was a tool to remind me to be kind to myself and I felt good wearing it. 

I believe in crystals and using them as a tool to help heal and manifest our desires. I’ll show you how to program your healing crystal jewelry for all sorts of desires such as wealth, love, career, protection, stress and more. 

How do crystals work?

Crystals are key to manifesting your desired reality. The energy from crystals can help us manifest our dream job, prosper in our business, forgive someone, process grief, teach us self-love and endless other desires. 

Crystal energy vibrates at a high frequency. When we wear them our energy field interacts with the healing crystal energy and brings it up higher. 

The energy from crystals is meant to amplify our intentions. Combining crystals with a new personal goal is very powerful and can help manifest it faster.

How To Program Your Healing Crystal Jewelry

In order to use crystals effectively for manifesting your desires and personal goals you must program your intention into the crystal. 

Programming crystals means that you’re setting an intention, like an affirmation, for that crystal. Using crystals this way helps you stay focused, motivated and excited to create your dream life. 

Step One – What do you want to change?

First identify an area of your life that you want to change and look up the crystal that will help. I go into detail on how to choose crystals here and I explain some common ones later in this post.

Step Two – Cleanse Your Crystal Jewelry

Cleanse your healing crystal jewelry with moonlight, selenite, smoke or sound. I go into detail on how to cleanse crystals in this post here.

Once your crystals are chosen and cleansed then it’s time to program them with your intention.

Step Three – Program Your Crystal Jewelry

Hold the crystal or healing crystal jewelry in your hand and picture light surrounding.

Think about what you want to use it for and be specific. If you want to attract more clients in your business, then think about what that looks like. 

When you feel ready, say out loud three times, “I program this crystal for [your purpose]”. Then wear it or place it somewhere you can see it frequently. Repeat this affirmation every day.

How To Program Healing Crystal Jewelry For More Energy

Here's how to program your healing crystal jewelry for all sorts of desires such as wealth, love, career, protection, stress and more.

Need an energy boost so you can be the productive goddess you know you can be? I have days where I’m dragging all day long. As a business owner my productivity levels equals my income, so I can’t afford to be tired. 

On top of needing to be productive in my business, I also have responsibilities at home that need taking care of and I need quality time with my husband and friends to balance it all out. 

One way I keep the passion for my business and life going is by wearing energizing crystals.

Red Crystals are some of the most energizing. A few I recommend wearing are…

  • Bloodstone can get your heart pumping encouraging you to get up and go for a walk, do that online HIIT class, dance to your favorite song, or play with your furbaby. 
  • Carnelian is all about passion. Feeling bored and depleted? Wear carnelian to do the things you’re passionate about and re-invigorate your life.
  • Red Jasper is the “you can do it” crystal. It gives you confidence and can inspire you to take action.
  • 7 Chakra Crystals are energizing too. They bring balance to your energy centers, leading to more energy.

Healing Crystal Affirmation For More Energy

To program your crystal jewelry before wearing it to keep you energized for the day, hold it in your hand and say out loud, “I am energized and inspired”, three times.

Click here to see the 7 Chakra Collection.

How To Program Healing Crystal jewelry For More Wealth

Here's how to program your healing crystal jewelry for all sorts of desires such as wealth, love, career, protection, stress and more.

Crystals can help you focus on a healthy mindset around money and get you over your fear around not having it. Use crystals to reach your financial goals and make good decisions around money so you can build wealth. 

Wearing these healing crystals can bring you closer to your financial goals. 

  • Pyrite looks like gold and attracts wealth. It can open you up to new ways of making money.
  • Jade is the crystal of prosperity and will bring you luck. 
  • Tiger’s Eye is a crystal of fearless success. It will motivate you to create wealth and keep you focused on your financial goals. 

Healing Crystal Affirmation For Wealth

To program your crystal jewelry to increase your wealth, hold it in your hand and say out loud, “I am a money magnet”, three times.

You can find healing crystal jewelry for wealth and success here.

How To Program Healing Crystal Jewelry For Your Career

No matter what stage of your career you’re in, you can use crystals to stay focused and complete your goals. Are you up for a promotion soon, thinking about changing your career path or looking for a new job? Crystals can help you manifest it. 

Crystals that are good for getting a promotion or advancing your career:

  • Lapis lazuli can help you take the lead on a big project and tap into your expertise.
  • Pyrite helps you be clear on your financial goals so you can take steps to advance in that direction.
  • Wear sodalite during your annual review to help you speak about your accomplishments and why you deserve a raise or promotion. 

Healing Crystal Affirmation For Your Career

Program your healing crystal jewelry to get that promotion. Hold it in your hand and say out loud three times, “I am rewarded for my hard work and expertise.”

How To Program Healing Crystal Jewelry For Happiness

Here's how to program your healing crystal jewelry for all sorts of desires such as wealth, love, career, protection, stress and more.

You know those people who are happy all the time no matter what? I’m not one of those people. I’m someone that has to work at it. It’s a practice for me to be happy and a choice. 

To cultivate more happiness into my life I like to program these crystals and wear them throughout the day when I need a reminder to choose to be happy. 

  • Angel Aura Quartz is a clear quartz crystal that’s been treated to give it a rainbow glow. It’s a fun, happy crystal that can release your inner child and help you to experience joy like when you were a kid. 
  • Citrine is a bright, yellow crystal that sparkles. It’s a joyful color and radiates light. It’s high vibration is like the sun and no darkness or negative energy can come in. Wear citrine to keep negative feelings away and bring in the light. 
  • Amazonite can lift your mood and make you feel hopeful. It’s an optimistic crystal and one I love to wear as the color brings me joy.

Healing Crystal Affirmation For Happiness

Program your healing crystal jewelry to cultivate happiness. Hold it in your hand and say out loud three times, “I am happy.”

Find our love and happiness collection here.

How To Program Healing Crystal Jewelry For More Confidence

When you’re confident you can do anything. The world is open to all possibilities and you have the ability to do and accomplish anything you set your mind to. Throughout the seasons of your life you’ll be more confident than in others. Life happens and in life things can happen to us that brings down our confidence. 

To gain more confidence in yourself program these crystals and wear them when you need a confidence boost. 

  • Carnelian gives you confidence and lets you act with certainty, so you can live your life your way. 
  • Citrine banishes any negativity and transforms it into contentment and confidence. 
  • Rhodochrosite is a beautiful pink crystal and helps you feel self-love and self worth. It’s a self esteem booster and will help you be confident in what you do. 

Healing Crystal Affirmation For Confidence

Program your healing crystal jewelry to be more confident. Hold it in your hand and say out loud three times, “I am confident”.

How To Program Healing Crystal Jewelry To Attract Love

Here's how to program your healing crystal jewelry for all sorts of desires such as wealth, love, career, protection, stress and more.

Love makes life richer, more vibrant and colorful. When I met my husband my senses were heightened by the endorphin kick I’d get being around him. Flowers smelled sweeter, food tasted better, I felt as if I could do and accomplish anything. Being in love is something I wish for everyone to experience. 

Pink and green crystals will open your heart chakra. Here are a few of my favorites to wear to attract love.

  • Rose quartz is the crystal of love. It opens your heart to all kinds of love. Self-love, unconditional love and love for others.  Wear it on your left wrist to receive love. 
  • Aventurine is a green crystal and connects to your heart chakra. It also brings luck and can prepare you by opening up your heart. 
  • Malachite can transform your love life by supporting your journey to find true love.

Healing Crystal Affirmation To Attract Love

Program your healing crystal jewelry to attract love. Hold it in your hand and say out loud three times, “I attract love”.

Click here to see healing crystal jewelry for love and happiness.

How To Program Healing Crystal Jewelry For Protection

Crystals can offer protection against negative energy and help you feel safe and secure. I like to wear these crystals when I’m out and about running errands, traveling, or out with friends to protect me from unwanted bad vibes.

There are many crystals that can help protect you from unwanted, negative energy. Here are some of my favorites.

  • Black onyx is a powerful protection stone that absorbs and transforms negative energy. It’s also called the warrior stone because it will help you face your fears. 
  • Black tourmaline creates a protective shield around you and is good for dispelling negative energy caused by road rage or bad moods. 
  • Selenite purifies unwanted energy. It can cleanse you and your space.

Healing Crystal Affirmation For Protection

Program your healing crystal jewelry to protect you. Hold it in your hand and say out loud three times, “I am protected”.

Click here to see healing crystal jewelry for protection.

How To Program Healing Crystal Jewelry To Release Stress

Here's how to program your healing crystal jewelry for all sorts of desires such as wealth, love, career, protection, stress and more.

Life can be very stressful. Chronic stress is an issue for most people these days and can lead to many health problems. Maybe your job is more stressful lately because you’re short of staff, or you’re taking care of someone who is sick or you just had a stressful day. No matter the stressors it’s important to release that stress for your health and wellbeing. 

There are many crystals that can help you release stress. Here’s a few of my favorites to wear during stressful times. 

  • Amethyst is amazing for stress relief. It’s a relaxing crystal and can bring you deep peace and a calm state of mind. 
  • Blue lace agate is a very calming crystal and can help you manage and reduce stress. It encourages you to take a deep breath and relax. 
  • Howlite is calming and can absorb anxiety, stress and tension.

Healing Crystal Affirmation To Release Stress

Program your healing crystal jewelry to release stress. Hold it in your hand and say out loud three times, “I am calm and relaxed”.

Click here to see our healing crystal jewelry for health and wellness.

There are many ways crystals can help you manifest your desires and complete your goals. Using them as a tool to remind you to stick to your goals and to amplify your energy will help you manifest them sooner. 

What are ways you’ve used crystals? Let me know in the comments below.

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